Gluten and immune system

How gluten is triggering the immune system?

It's very unfortunate but at the same time it's true that in some people, although the percentage
is very low, but it happens, in those cases, the immune system gets confused and start recognizing
gluten proteins, glutenin, and gliadin as a foreign attacking material, and in defense for 
protecting the body from these foreign attack, it starts engaging them, this new situation
is called in medical term gluten-triggers, it's in two steps or you can say in two stages

An innate immune system trigger

An adaptive immune system trigger

once this immune system triggers it has its own consequences, which means its results in
complex health situations,(1),(2)

so let's see
                             gluten triggers the immune system

So, what they are?

So, what is an innate immune system triggers?

It's very primary. or general response of the body, where the immune system generates
an antigen and this antigen further reacts or activates further responses.,(3),(4)

So, what is an adaptive immune system triggers?

Its secondary response, when the first stage seems to be falling, is more specific and a bit
stronger than the first one means really heading to health problems.,(5)

So, what really happens in an innate immune system triggers?

As it is a primary stage, in a medical circle it is also referred to as a non-celiac innate system
trigger, also the non-sensitivity response

So, how to know about this annate immune system trigger?

Still its really difficult to resolve this issue and to address this that symptoms came
fron intestinal or these are extra-intestinal conditions

1, wheat allergy and celiac diseases tested negative

2, symptoms disappear once the gluten-containing diet is removed

when these two conditions are fulfilled, it can be presumed that it was innate immune
system trigger

So, now what will be the adaptive immune system trigger?

Tts second stage response of the body, it has all the symptoms of the first stage along
with some new advanced complications such as it damages the small intestine, and
because of that, the body reduces the capacity to absorb all kind of goodies such as
minerals, vitamins, rather nutrients, and if it is allowed to happen it can be full
celiac disease, a life-threatening situation

What we must do?

At any given situation do not allow the disease to drift to the second stage at any cost
the moment you feel doubt because of symptoms, just stop any kind of food from
wheat,barley, and rye, and contact your doctors for relevant tests, to make sure
with all about possible gluten sensitivity.

In a gluten-free diet and gluten-free arena, our objective is only to create more
awareness about possible problems related to gluten and how to escape from 
them so that some people can be saved from drifting to the second stage,


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